Friday, February 1, 2008

My AA Meeting. . .

So I went to my court ordered AA meeting today to set up my evalutation. It sure was an interesting thing to go to. There were so many people there like at least a hundred or so i'm guessing. We went off into rooms so that we could talk in groups and such. Hearing how people's live have been so negatively affected by Alcohol and Drugs, makes me never want to drink or do drugs. I already know i won't do drugs because of all the people in my life that have told me to stay away from them. But seeing people who's live have been destroyed by their addictions really puts things into light for me. I can't imagine losing a child or my car or home and being forced to live in the streets, like alot of the people who are so heavily addicted do. I really want to take what I learned from that meeting and help the people in my life to avoid making those same mistakes. I have to get my evaluation done sometime within the next 2 weeks by order of the court so hopefully they can schedule me before then or else i'll have to call them and such. ughhh. So yeah thats my lesson for today.

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